
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

Prosecutors Demand 20 Years Jail for Jessica in Coffee Murder (Tugas Softskill)

Prosecutors have demanded a 20 year prison term for high profile coffee murder suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso, who is accused of killing her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin at an upmarket cafe in Grand Indonesia shopping mall, Central Jakarta, in January. During a hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (05/10), prosecutors said Jessica intentionally killed Mirna after a personal dispute dating back to June 2015 when they were both students at Billy Blue College in Sydney. The personal dispute is believed to have stemmed from Mirna giving advice to Jessica about her former boyfriend, Australian Patrick O'Connor. Following the argument, Jessica was involved in several cases handled by the Australian Federal Police, including a restraining order filed by O'Connor, who claimed she was mentally unstable. AFP also obtained a complaint made by Australian national Kristie Louise Carter against Jessica during the time the suspect worked at an ambulance service in Sydn...

The Reasons why I choose Accounting

My name is Mutiara Ramadhona S. I’m a student of accounting at Gunadarma University. I choose to major in Accounting because i’m interested to learn more about this dicipline and it was always my favorite subject when i was in high school. Both of my parent also recommend me to enter the major of Accounting. And, i heard that graduating with an accounting major also provides many career paths within companies and organtization. These are the reasons as to why i choose to major in Accounting.

Aset Aman, Hati pun Tenang

 ABSTRAK   Tempat Tinggal atau Rumah merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting untuk manusia setelah pangan, karena tempat tinggal merupakan tempat berteduhnya manusia dari segala hal dan tempat berkumpulnya keluarga. Namun, tempat tinggal atau rumah kita tersebut, berdiri di atas tanah negara yang siapa saja dapat menempatinya. Maka dari itu, kita sebagai pemilik tempat tinggal atau tanah tersebut harus memiliki hak paten atas tempat tinggal atau tanah tersebut. Kementrian Agraria atau Badan Pertahanan Nasional menetapkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Agraria Nomor 6 tahun 1998 tentang Pemberian Hak Milik Atas Tanah Rumah Tinggal. Dalam keputusan menteri tersebut, mempertimbangkan untuk menjamin kepemilikan rumah tinggal bagi Warga Negara Indonesia dan negara perlu menjamin kelangsungan hak atas tanah tempat rumah tinggal itu berdiri. Serta perlu meningkatkan pemberian Hak Milik atas tanah untuk rumah tinggal yang masih dipunyai perseorangan warga negara Indonesia d...